HELLO#MeditationNation!  It’s Dr. Carol, your Master Movement, Meditation and Mindset Coach.  I help professionals just like you build magnificent lives based off of your life’s purpose. I do this by showing you how to walk in your Faith, become laser Focused towards your goals and Finish what you have set out to do starting by optimizing your Health and Wellness, our Foundation for Life!

As we learn and study about meditation what other pathways and opportunities might open up for us while on this journey to quiet our minds and balance the nervous systems in our brain and in our gut?  The following 5 areas are benefits of cultivating a mended mind and a balanced belly.

  1. Positive Self Esteem

Meditation allows us to ‘see’ ourselves from the outside in, deepening awareness and connection to the essence of our truest self, free from the influence of others.  No one can imagine for your life beyond what they can imagine for their own life.  For example, if they see themselves as basic and doing a good job, nothing wrong with that, but understand that they will never imagine for you a life as a best-selling author or a millionaire or being a change agent for the world!

  1. Health and Strength

Meditations allows us to feel our physicality from the inside out, to develop the mental fortitude and imagery to guide us to peak physical performance.  Think about Olympic Athletes who use guided imagery on a daily basis to make the difference between the Gold Medal and the Silver Medal.  Next time watch basketball legend LeBron James when he is on the sidelines during a game, his eyes closed, trust me he is not sleeping!

  1. Empowerment

By learning simple yet powerful techniques to focus on our breath, meditation literally teaches us to stand our ground, breathing in a sense of strength and power and breathing out not only stale air but stale emotions as well.

  1. Emotional Stability

By learning and practicing the expressive meditation of QiGong and the moving through the Five Organ Systems in Organ Cleansing QiGong, we harness the power of breath and specific movements to link to our emotions, moving form anxiety to joy, grief to empathy, over-thinking to clarity, fear to intuition and anger to discernment.

  1. Grounded Balance

By cultivating and practicing movements that cross the midline of our body we train the Brian and nervous system throughout our body to always come back to homeostasis or a balanced set point with a facilitated response rate improving digestion, sleep, preventing falls, and if injured speeding recovery and activating our bodies intrinsic healing properties.

Thank you for reading this blog post#MeditationNation!  Until next time, it’s Dr. Carol.